Welcome to Class
- Learn the Top 10 fruits and the Top 10 Veggies
- Learn some balance exercises
- Take time for yourself each day – Learn the benefits of playing a musical instrument
- Complete 3 SMART goals, one each for nutrition, exercise and take time for yourself. Keep food records. Journal
- Daily Mantra “Every day, in every way, I am getting healthier and healthier and feeling better and better”
Nutrition Activity
Try these recipes to get more veggies into your meal:
Spicy Cumin Carrot Ginger Soup
For more recipes visit Oldways Recipes
Top 10 Healthiest Veggies
Top 10 Healthiest Fruits
Exercise (Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program)
Having and maintaining balance all throughout life is one of the most important things we can do. It becomes more important as we get older to prevent falls. After watching the video, include some of these exercises as part of your workout routine.
Balance Training Exercises
Taking Time for Yourself
Listening to music engages the brain in a positive way, however playing music may have even more benefits.
How playing an instrument benefits your brain, by Anita Collins.